Standing on your head?

What do you do to relax?

Meditation and yoga? Mindful colouring? Origami? No one finds origami relaxing. It’s too complicated.

So really, what do you do to relax?

Or don’t you relax?

Easy to be busy all the time. Or think you are relaxing watching stuff and eating muffins. But are you? How do you feel at the end of it?

I read actual books.

Kindle really doesn’t do it for me. I’m a particular fan of kids books. They have great plots. I can drop into one and disappear for several hours. Then resurface feeling refreshed and invigorated.

What makes you feel replenished?

Watercolours? Drawing? Singing along to a musical? Stomping about the countryside? A long gossipy phone call with a close friend? Standing on your head?

Whatever it is, do more of it.

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