Want to work with me? Do you?
How do you know you want to work with me?
I love running. I started in my 20s and I am NOT sporty or athletic. At school I was the bookish kid who couldn’t catch or throw.
I started running because runners looked cool and everyone cool in films runs. And I want to be cool – my kids make fun of me for this. And for starting to drink coffee for the same reason. What do they know?
In my 20s and 30s I could run without thinking about it. It was fun. I ran off hangovers, I ran before job interviews or important meetings. It helped calm my nerves.
I ran to be fit. I ran so I could eat chocolate cake. Don’t we all.
Post children, in my 40s, I ran for sanity. No one could ask me for stuff while I was out RUNNING.
Then the injuries started. Oh yes. Turns out weight training and rest are important to recovery and staying injury free. Who knew? Clearly not me.
Injuries and attempts at rehab started. It was tedious, signing up for races and then having to pull out because of injury. Seeing physios and osteopaths, who helped but sometimes told me to stop running.
Then I remembered my job – homeopath. Maybe that could help.
I know the joy of running. The energy and freedom it gives. The alone time. The exercise. Allows you to eat what you want.
The frustration of injury. The pain walking up and downstairs. Cancelling races. Feeling overwhelmed and rubbish.
You want to get back to running because it makes you feel good. I want you to get back to running because it makes you feel good.
I can help you because I know the pain of where you are and how to get you to where you want to be.
Call me.