Top 5 Remedies for Anxiety

Current times are stressful and anxiety inducing. Yikes! It is difficult to feel calm and relaxed at the moment. So I thought Iā€™d list 5 homeopathic remedies which are great for reducing anxiety, panic and fear.


Arsenicum Album (Ars Alb)

Feeling worried about becoming ill? Worrying about having enough money? Feeling chilly and / or restless?  Feel better for being in control? Do you like to have a plan and stick to it? Is tidiness helping you to feel calm? If so, Arsenicum is the remedy for you. It will fit the bill for many people right now with the worry of illness and money.  Take Arsenicum, breathe and feel yourself relax.


Aconite (Acon)

People needing this remedy are very scared and may even be scared they are going to die. Feeling restless and claustrophobic? Aconite is great for someone with these symptoms. It will help lessen these fears or even make them evaporate.


Argentum Nitricum (Arg Nit)

If you feel like White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland and worry about being late, Arg Nit will really help you. Want to be with others because that makes you feel better? Want to eat sweets? Have an impulse to do something silly? Then this is the remedy for you.


Nitricum Acidum (Nit Ac)

Are you feeling very, very worried about becoming ill? Worried that you may even die if you do? Feeling angry or depressed about the current situation? Then Nit Ac will make you feel better and calmer.


Gelsenium (Gels)

Is all this talk of illness making you feel anxious? Is the worry of what will happen making you feel worse? Are you feeling weak from it all? Maybe even shaking or trembling from the anxiety? Then Gelsenium will help to calm you. 


These are my top 5 anxiety remedies. There are many others.

Contact me if you have any questions or would like further information.

Thank you for reading.  Vanessa x


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