11 Remedies for Covid-19
Here are some great remedies to help if you are suffering from symptoms of COVID-19. In no way do these remedies replace medical advice and if you are worried about your symptoms or your health, you should call 111 or your GP’s surgery for advice.
For those of you who would like to try homeopathic medicine (remedies), keep reading.
Homeopathy is all about treating the individual and their symptoms rather than treating the disease. So people may have the same disease, but slightly different symptoms and so will need different homeopathic remedies. For instance, two people may have a cough; one person has a dry cough and cannot stop coughing and is almost sick because of it, whilst another person may have a wet cough which can be heard rattling in their throat. The first person would benefit from Ipecac, which is great for continuous coughs ending in vomiting, and the second person would benefit from Ant tart, a great remedy for rattley wet coughs.
When going through the list of remedies below, look at all of them and see which one covers most of your symptoms. Try that remedy first. Flu, coughs, colds, COVID 19 are all acute diseases. In acute illnesses you may have to change remedies every couple of days as the symptoms progress and change. So be prepared for a remedy to start of making you feel better and then to stop working. When it stops helping, your symptoms will have changed and you will need something different.
This remedy has helped lots of people suffering from COVID-19. So it may be the one to try first, unless it doesn’t seem to match your symptoms at all.
High fever which has come on over a few days. The patient is very thirsty. Dry, hacking cough which is painful. Any pain is worse from movement and so the patient will hold their chest or head to ease the pain when coughing. Often the patient is irritable – good luck coping with an irritable patient.
The other main remedy which helps those suffering from COVID-19. These patients will feel cold – icy chilliness all over, and yet not want to be covered up. Weakness is a key symptom too – extreme weakness, even collapse. The cough is violent, dry and hacking.
Symptoms come on quickly, very quickly and suddenly, and often after being out in the cold, especially cold wind. High fever, often with thirst and restlessness. Hoarse, dry, croupy (barking) cough. Often the patient is in a lot of pain and is fearful.
High fever worse after midnight, especially midnight to 2am or 3am, or midday to 2pm or 3pm. Dry cough, again worse after midnight. Pains tend to be burning. The patient is often chilly, restless and anxious and not easy to reassure.
This remedy has many classic flu symptoms – weakness, shivering or trembling and listless or apathetic. Shaking with fever and chills running up and down the back. Dry cough with a sore chest.
Eupatorium is another classic flu remedy – the one for flu with incredibly painful bone ache. The aching is sometimes in the muscles, but more often in the bones. Fever with severe bone ache and preceded by being very thirsty. Raw, painful cough.
Fever alternating with chills and shivering. Worse between 4pm and 8pm. Chill followed by sweating. Cough – tickling or deep and hollow, worse at night.
Intolerable burning heat with dry mouth but no thirst. Sometimes chilly even in a warm room. Gagging choking cough. Cough which is dry at night, needing to sit up, and loose in the morning. This patient will like to be fussed over and is often quite sweet natured.
Ant tart
Intense fever or chilliness, cold and trembling. Can be lethargic. Wet rattling cough which brings little up. Cough almost suffocating. Sometimes can hear rattling in chest.
Merc sol
Fever with lots of sweat, which doesn’t bring any relief. Cough which brings up yellow mucus. Generally worse at night.
Fever with lots of shivering down the back. Night-sweats. Spasmodic debilitating coughing worse for eating sweets.
Thank you for reading.
If you would like more information or have any questions, contact me. I am happy to help with acute conditions.