5 Remedies for Migraines
This week there has been talk of a new drug for migraines being released onto the English market (it is available in Scotland). The new drug is specific for migraines and has fewer side effects than current medication. Last year NICE rejected it on the grounds that it was not cost effective.
In the news report about the drug, I was struck by the statement that migraines are incurable and that current treatment is not very effective and has many side effects. It was also sad to hear how much suffers’ lives are disrupted by the illness, with some having to give up work and some becoming quite isolated.
There is an effective treatment for migraines – homeopathy. My aunt suffered with migraines for years, trying many conventional and alternative treatments with no effect. Then she went to a homeopath and her migraines disappeared. It was her experience that lead me to try homeopathy for my asthma, with amazing results.
So here is a list of my top 5 homeopathic remedies for migraines:
Iris Versicolar
The number one remedy for classic migraines with blurred vision, vomiting, burning diarrhoea. The headache is often right-sided. The vomiting doesn’t give any relief. The person feels better in the evening and for rest.
Right-sided migraines which start at the back of the head and spread upwards to the right eye. Vomiting which helps the headache. Periodic headaches, often every seven days. The person feels better for sleep.
Left-sided headaches which start at the back of the head and spread towards the left eye. Pain on the left side of the face. Severe nerve pain. The person feels worse for tobacco, worse for cold drinks.
Migraines caused by an over-exhausted mind. Headaches much worse for noise, light, movement. It feels as if a nail is being driven into the left eye or into the head.
Nux Vomica
Similar to Coffea. Headaches worse for light, noise, thinking, before menstrual period. The sufferer feels better for warmth. The person may also be angry and impatient.
These are all great remedies for when someone is suffering from a migraine. Constitutional homeopathic treatment would help prevent them from occurring in the first place and may even cure them all together.
Thank you for reading!