Coping in the heat

In the UK we rarely get very hot weather. So it can take us by surprise when we do. Remember to drink plenty of water at these times and maybe stay in the sun for a short time at the hottest times of the day.


Here are some homeopathic remedies that can help you survive the current heat wave with descriptions to help you choose the correct one:



Hot, red, throbbing face, skin or head. Hot head but cold feet. Headache better for dark, silence and rest.



Severe headache, or other pain, better for keeping completely still. Wants to drink lots and lots of water.


Carbo veg

State of collapse with extreme need for air or being fanned. May have trapped wind or indigestion.



Feeling drained or wiped out with trembling. Especially good if there is severe dehydration or excessive sweating.



Drowsy, lightheaded, thirstless. Chills running up and down the spine. Good for sunstroke with high temperature and drowsiness.


Natrum mur

Useful for sunstroke with hot head, red face, nausea and vomiting. Blinding headache that may feel like tiny hammers banging on the head. Thirsty and either aversion or desire for salt.



Fatigue, drowsiness, exhaustion from being in the sun. Very good for babies or the elderly suffering from the heat.



Take one pillule of 30c potency (strength) every half an hour for two hours. Repeat if symptoms return. If symptoms don’t improve or change, try a different remedy.


Enjoy the sunshine sensibly. If you are worried about your symptoms, contact a GP or phone 111.


What to expect in a consultation


Managing Stress